Wednesday, March 7, 2012

March 7 Meeting

During our final meeting we discussed how our first close read went.  We each followed the same basic steps:

  • students read independently
  • teacher reads aloud
  • questions 1, 2, and 3 correlated with paragraph 1
  • question 4 correlated with paragraph 2
  • questions 5 and 6 correlated with paragraph 3
  • question 7 correlated with paragraph 4
Each teacher did the above in her own manner.  One teacher had the students discuss the questions with partners and the teacher wrote the sentences on the Smartboard.  The students copied those sentences on their individual papers.  One teacher had discussions whole group and in partners and then the class worked together to create the written piece together.  One teacher had the students discuss in pairs, whole group, and individually analyzing.  The students then wrote sentences on whiteboards and then one sentence was chosen to put on chart paper as a whole group writing.

Some of the children complained about having to read the same text over and over again, but in the end they were glad that they did because the details included in the writing needed to come from the article.

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